I am raw html block.Click edit button to change this html GenderMaleFemaleFirst NameSurnamePreffered NameDate of BirthIdentity/Passport NumberCountry of BirthHome LanguageGrade *RRGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7SurnameFirst NameIdentity/Passport NumberMarital StatusResidential AddressWork PhoneCell PhonePostal AddressEmail AddressOccupationName & Address of EmploymentEmergency Contact NumberSurnameFirst NameIdentity/Passport NumberMarital StatusResidential AddressWork PhoneCell PhonePostal AddressEmail AddressOccupationName & Address of EmploymentEmergency Contact NumberSurnameFirst NameIdentity/Passport NumberMarital StatusResidential AddressWork PhoneCell PhonePostal AddressEmail AddressOccupationName & Address of EmploymentEmergency Contact NumberIs The Child Covered By Medical AidYesNoMedical AidMembership NumberIf your child is on medication, please indicate the reason and state what Medication is being given.Last School AttendedPresent GradePlease State Any Grade RepeatedYearName and Surname of DriverDriver TelephoneVehicle Registration NumberHTMLTERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE If the child has previously attended school a transfer card from that school must be submitted. The following documents must be attached to the admission form: A certified copy of the child’s birth certificate A copy of the most recent school report 2 recent colour passport photographs of the learner with learners name on the back Certified copies of ID of both parents/legal guardians Transfer card from previous school Copy of medical Aid The admission of pupils to this school is for the year in which the application is made, and must be renewed at the beginning of each subsequent year. NO application will be processed unless all the above have been submitted and are correct. NO telephonic or verbal queries will receive attention.IParent ofHTMLHereby declare that all the information furnished in this document is true. Any false information/misrepresentation will result in this application being disqualified, and /or future withdrawal of registration of your child at Forest Hill Primary School, as he/she has been accepted based on incorrect information.Signed atSigned dateHTMLSCHOOL FEES The admission fee for 2025 is R1000. The school fees are R 24 000 per annum and INCLUDING weekly computer studies. Stationery, text books and school outings or events are not included. PAYMENT OPTIONS Full payment of R24 000 on or before 31 January 2025 a discount of R1000 will be given. Term payment of R6 000 per term payable before the commencement of each new term, a discount of R100 will be given. Monthly payment of R2,000 per month for 12 months INCLUDING weekly computer studies. METHOD OF PAYMENT Full payment of fees on or before 07 January 2025 and term payments payable before the commencement of each new term, EFT payments and bank deposits can be done at the following school account. FOREST HILL PRIMARY SCHOOL BANK DETAILS NAME OF BANK STANDARD BANK ACCOUNT No. 253 358 035 BRANCH CODE 017045 ACCOUNT TYPE CURRENT (Name & Surname of child as reference) ALL DEPOSIT SLIPS TO BE E-MAILED TO: admin@foresthillprimary.co.za NOTE: NO CASH PAYMENTS ACCEPTED AT THE SCHOOL. IMPORTANT NOTICE No refund of the admission fee will be made whatsoever. I accept that no refund on paid-up school fees will be made to me if I remove my child /children after term 2. 3. I accept that (one) month’s notice is requested upon withdrawal of the learner from the school. I (Parent) the undersigned, declare that I am responsible for the payment of all tuition, books and any other fees due for this learner, payable in advance by the 1st of each month. I AM AWARE THAT FAILURE TO MEET ANY FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS WILL RESULT IN ME BEING ASKED TO KEEP MY CHILD AT HOME UNTIL THE NECESSARY PAYMENTS ARE MADE.Name in PrintSignedDateWitness 1Witness 2HTMLDECLARATION OF PARENT/GUARDIAN INDEMNITY I grant my full consent for my child to participate in any sport, educational visits and extra-mural activities undertaken by the school. I solemnly declare that I fully absolve Forest Hill Primary School of any liability in respect of any injury occurring to my child from any accident by whatsoever cause. I undertake not to take any action against Forest Hill Primary School and/or any of its staff in case of an accident. The above undertaking and consent shall be valid in all instances except where a parent or guardian expressly and in writing withdraws his/her consent.Full Name in PrintWitnessSend Message